
America’s Need for Better “Infloodstructure”

November 11, 2020

In February, Spirit Airlines decided to transfer a portion of its operations from Miramar, Florida, to Nashville, Tennessee. The key driver of this decision was a recurring hurricane and tropical…

The Millennial Economy

October 28, 2020

The millennial generation hasn’t had it so great. A recent economic analysis reports that since entering the workforce five to 20 years ago, the average millennial has experienced slower economic…

Fixed Income vs. Stock Portfolio

October 28, 2020

Early this year, many stopped spending and began saving money. This wasn’t difficult as many areas of the economy were — and possibly still are — shut down. For some,…

The Precarious Status of the Affordable Care Act

October 28, 2020

There is a lot riding on both the outcome of this year’s federal elections and the appointment of the new Supreme Court justice. One of the most predominant issues scheduled…

Is the Economy Slowly, Silently Sliding?

October 28, 2020

Prospects for stock market growth have remained resiliently and optimistically cheerful this year, despite the nine-month-long pandemic. Unfortunately, the time may be at hand for a stock market price correction…

Housing Notes

October 28, 2020

Millennials can’t seem to catch a break. From their late teens through college, many saw their parents suffer from tremendous financial distress, job loss and, for some, even losing their…

How Climate Change Could Affect the Economy

October 28, 2020

Some people believe that climate change is exacerbated by human intervention, while others argue that humans are not a factor. Regardless of what may or may not influence extreme weather…

7 Year-End Financial Planning Tips That Could Protect & Grow Your Retirement Savings

October 25, 2020

There are 7 year-end financial planning tips … that could protect and grow your retirement savings. Don’t miss a special edition of  Solutions Radio show, “7 Year-End Financial Planning Tips…

What To Expect From the Payroll Tax Holiday

October 20, 2020

Christmas came early this year. Well, sort of. In an effort to provide financial aid to millions of Americans in dire economic straits, President Trump declared a payroll tax holiday…

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