
Food for Health

August 2, 2018

We love our bacon. In recent years, this pork delicacy has seen a resurgence in popularity alongside new ways to enhance recipes ranging from bacon-infused macaroni and cheese1 to the…

Wealth and the Trump Effect

August 2, 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was meant to kickstart the economy with growth not seen in a decade. Six months in, the results are a bit lackluster. Business investment…

The Significant Financial and Emotional Impact of Caring for an Aging Parent

July 17, 2018

Are you caring for an aging parent, or believe you will be soon? This could trigger difficult emotional and financial challenges. Don’t miss Retirement Solutions Radio show, “The Significant Financial…

Trends in Real Estate

July 17, 2018

One of today’s new housing trends was also popular more than thousands of years ago — communal living.1 In the Middle Ages, society was more interdependent. It wasn’t unusual for…

Job Trends

July 17, 2018

For decades, young people were told college was the surest route to financial success as an adult. Get a degree, get a good job. However, this formula seems to be…

Takeaways From the 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting

July 17, 2018

As he does each year, the United States’ arguably most successful investor, Warren Buffett, shared his wisdom and observations at this year’s Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting. Buffett is known…

Long-Term Care Update

July 17, 2018

Long-term care continues to be a challenging issue in the U.S. It appears the second wave of baby boomers is even more determined to “age at home,” while at the…

More Than 40% of Americans Risk Going Broke in Retirement. Here’s How You Could Avoid Becoming a Statistic!

July 3, 2018

More than 40% of Americans risk going broke in retirement. Learn the one thing that could help you avoid going bust in retirement on Retirement Solutions Radio show, “More Than…

Retirement Investing

June 27, 2018

Retirement planning looks much different than it did a century ago. With lifespans and retirements lasting longer, it’s not just about planning for a financial future; we must also create…

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