
Can Longevity Truly be Predicted

May 29, 2017

Every morning, Emma Morano ate a raw egg and biscuits. When she died at age 117 in April of this year, she was the oldest person in the world. She…

The Power of Going Green

May 29, 2017

Here’s a new twist to the renewable energy and save the planet story: The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham, Kentucky, has recently switched from coal to solar power to…

Your 7-Step Action Plan for Retirement

May 27, 2017

What’s holding you back from retiring now? Learn a 7-Step Action Plan that could help you retire sooner than you ever thought possible on Retirement Solutions Radio show, “What’s Holding…

Retirement Solutions TV

May 24, 2017

Build the Optimal System of Security for your retirement. Tune in to Retirement Solutions TV to hear strategies to help you navigate retirement and give you the tools you need…

9 Common Social Security Assumptions That Could Cost You a Small Fortune!

May 16, 2017

You’ve made all kinds of assumptions about claiming your social security benefits and that could cost you a small fortune! Learn what they are on Retirement Solutions Radio show, “9…

Are We “Shovel-Ready”?

May 10, 2017

A famous line of dialogue came from the 1989 film “Field of Dreams”: “If you build it, he will come.” Perhaps the quote endures because of its inherent irony —…

How Government Regulations May Impact the “Average Joe”

May 10, 2017

We tend to take government regulations for granted. They can be annoying, like having to sign the HIPAA privacy notice before a doctor’s visit, or time consuming, like the yearly…

The Fiduciary Standard: What It Means

May 10, 2017

Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor published the final regulation of what is known as the “Fiduciary Rule,” delaying implementation for 60 days from its scheduled start date. The newly…

There’s a 60% Chance You’ll Retire Unexpectedly….Here’s How to Prepare Yourself Now!

May 2, 2017

According to USA TODAY, there’s a 60% chance you could retire sooner than you expected. Learn how you could prepare yourself for the unexpected…and save your retirement on Retirement Solutions…

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