
Taxing Questions

December 26, 2016

At the end of October, the IRS made several announcements regarding taxes in 2017. Information available for the new year now includes tax rates, standard deductions, exemption amounts and more.…

Retirement Matters

December 19, 2016

If you’re wondering how much of a Social Security payout you may receive, one number to keep in mind is 35. Your benefit is based on your 35 highest years…

Planning for Retirement? It’s What Your Advisor Doesn’t Know…….That Could Hurt You!

December 18, 2016

Listen to Retirement Solutions Radio show, “Planning for Retirement? It’s What Your Advisor Doesn’t Know…….That Could Hurt You!” to hear strategies from B.O.S.S. Retirement Solutions’ CEO, Tyson Thacker and President,…

Opposites Attract: Couple Finances

December 12, 2016

It’s very common for a married couple to have vastly different financial personalities. One may be frugal and the other a big spender. As we all know, money can be…

Perks of Growing Older

December 5, 2016

Getting older has its perks — from potential tax breaks to everyday discounts. It’s like turning 21 and getting carded all over again. Only now, in some ways, the older…

Retiring Takes Effort

November 28, 2016

The first things that come to mind when thinking about retirement may be rest and relaxation, but before you reach that point, you need a financial strategy that can support…

Should You Convert Your IRA or 401k to a Roth IRA? Here’s How You Can Save Thousands!

November 22, 2016

Listen to Retirement Solutions Radio show, “Should You Convert Your IRA or 401k to a Roth IRA? Here’s How You Can Save Thousands!” to hear strategies from B.O.S.S. Retirement Solutions’…

Behave Yourself

November 21, 2016

“Overconfidence is a very serious problem. If you don’t think it affects you, that’s probably because you’re overconfident.”1 That’s a quote from Carl Richards, a financial advisor, author, speaker, columnist…

7 Critical Steps Before You Can Call it Quits

November 15, 2016

Listen to Retirement Solutions Radio show, “7 Critical Steps Before You Can Call it Quits” to hear strategies from B.O.S.S. Retirement Solutions’ CEO, Tyson Thacker and President, Ryan Thacker as…

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